Subscriptions (5)
If you decide to cancel your subscription or failure of automatic payments causes your subscription to lapse, then you should cease using all ‘Tales From The Miracle Book’ resources.
You membership runs for 12 months and then automatically renews; you will receive emails reminding you of the impending renewal date.
You are able to cancel your membership at any time; simply send an email to [email protected] and we will sort that out for you. However, we’d love any feedback to enable these resources to work brilliantly for you and your pupils.
A ‘Tales From The Miracle Book’ membership allows you to access the full library of resources on the ‘Tales From The Miracle Book’ website. This includes all films, resource packs and other documents on the website. You are then permitted to use these in your school community for as long as your subscription remains active.
A subscription is when a school signs up to be a ‘Tales From The Miracle Book’ member for a year. When you are a paid subscriber you have access to the full library of resources which you can view or download.
A licence is the permission to use resources in your school. Active members (schools who are subscribed for that academic year) are automatically licenced to use the resources in their school.
If a subscription is ended or lapses, your licence to use ‘Tales From The Miracle Book’ materials also comes to an end. This means that even if you have downloaded materials on your computer, you are not allowed to use them. Using resources without a licence is in breach of copyright law.
The licence allows you to use these with your school community. This will generally be on your school site. It does not allow use of the resources in other schools or other venues.